Hello Friends, Colleagues and Clients,
Happy Summer! Welcome to the season (in the northern hemisphere) of blue skies, sunshine, blueberries and ice cream! Many of you are probably going through some exciting changes like school being out, staying up later to watch sunsets, getting into your gardens more, traveling, camping, swimming, fishing, and sharing outdoor meals and celebrations! It is a wonderful time to honor the light, to rejoice in the abundance of the earth, and to appreciate the beauty that is around us and within us.
Yes, yes, yes.
And, no. For some of us. Have you ever heard of reverse SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? Some people actually experience more depression and lower energy in the summer months than in the winter months. Isn’t that crazy?
I happen to be one of those people. I tend to get overwhelmed with the light and especially with the heat, which can feel pretty intense after the rain dries up, very suddenly. I also feel too much pressure at times, to be busier than I want to be, planning, coordinating, marketing, executing, and doing, doing, doing. Sometimes, all I want, is to be. I want to slow down, take in the sun for a minute, and feel my feelings about the heat and how the planet is shifting and changing.
I had a client say to me today that she misses the COVID lockdown because everything was moving slower. I can totally relate to this. I miss the way the earth rebounded in our silence. It gave me hope, that we can change the level of noise and chaos of doing by remembering how it feels to be. Humans need time to integrate their experiences, in order to make more grounded, embodied, and conscious choices going forward.
Perhaps summer can be a time for all activities to be meaningful, whether you are on the go or you need to slow down. A good question to ask yourself is how can CREATIVITY play a role is this summer for you? How can you find what works best for you this summer to feel connected to yourself, to others, to a greater purpose of your existence? What brings you joy? How do you identify what is important to you and how do you express it?
Would you like to talk with someone about that and what that looks like? Contact me and let’s talk!
Blessings, love and faith,